
Plaspy, Locate and manage all your devices in one place.

30 days of free trial. Price per device $0.99 USD/month.

30 days free trial

Start working with Plaspy today and don't pay until 30 days later.

From $0.99 USD per device

For just $0.99 USD per month per device, you can enjoy the features of Plaspy.

No contracts

Cancel your subscription at any time without contracts, registration fees, or cancellation costs.


Stay connected and productive with our high availability services

Because every day we strive to provide cutting-edge technological service, our global peripheral network allows us to have a reliable, low-latency, high-performance network system worldwide.

We are connected in various regions and backbone networks around the world, enabling us to offer high availability and content acceleration. With more than 410 points of presence and a connection to tens of thousands of networks, our platform is the perfect solution for any company looking to maximize its potential. Get in touch with us today to learn more and start experiencing the benefits of our cutting-edge platform!

World Map

Geocoding queries per day


Location queries per day


Alerts generated per day



Locate all your devices (Vehicles, motorcycles, cargo, people, pets, mobile phones, etc.) in real-time. You can select multiple maps (Google, Bing, Yandex, OSM, etc.), view information about the device location, speed, direction, fuel, temperature, sensors, accessories, etc. (Tracker conditions apply)


Receive alerts or notifications about your devices via email (speeding, SOS, sensor activation, sensor deactivation, idle time, fuel, vibration, Geo-fences, etc.) without increasing costs.
Plaspy allows you to take actions on the device such as sending commands to the tracker via GPRS or GSM (circuit shutdown, fuel, etc.) or even taking a photo for compatible devices.

History and Statistics

Plaspy allows you to view the travel information of the device for one day or several days, by date or time range, and download it in Microsoft Excel and Google Earth formats.
View statistics generated by the device such as kilometers traveled, fuel consumption, active sensors, alerts generated, etc.


Draw zones according to your needs, prohibited zones: alert when a device enters the defined zone, permitted zones: alert when a device leaves that zone, zone or control point: alert when the device enters or passes through this zone.


Download the mobile app on your mobile phone (Android, iPhone, Windows Phone) to view devices associated with your account or your account status information.
With Plaspy's mobile app, you have the option to track phones or tablets in real-time.


Plaspy offers a wide range of compatible accessories such as digital sensors, analog sensors, battery, fuel, tachometer, vibration, odometer, temperature, RFID cameras, etc.
Through a 3G mobile phone or tablet with the Android operating system, you can watch live video, upload it to Plaspy servers for 1 day, or store the video or photos on your device.

24/7 Web Application

Access the Plaspy tracking platform anytime, anywhere with our 24/7 web application. Track your devices without restrictions and get real-time reports.

The platform is designed to be accessible on any device, including tablets and mobile phones, providing total flexibility in managing your assets.

Data Download

Easily download tracking information in XLS (Microsoft Excel) or KML (Google Earth) formats. This feature allows you to analyze and share data efficiently and accurately.

Plaspy ensures you always have access to your historical data, facilitating report creation and informed decision-making.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Protect your account and sensitive data with two-factor authentication (2FA). This additional layer of security ensures that only authorized users can access the platform.

2FA is easy to set up and use, providing greater peace of mind knowing your information is secure from unauthorized access.

Sub-users with Master Account

Manage multiple users under a master account with Plaspy. This feature allows you to delegate tasks and specific permissions to sub-users, maintaining centralized and secure control.

Ideal for companies with multiple levels of access and responsibility, ensuring each user has access to the functions they need.

Password-free Shared Access

Share tracking information access without the need for passwords. Plaspy allows you to create temporary access links, providing a secure and convenient way to share data with third parties.

This feature is perfect for temporary collaborations or providing limited access to clients and partners.

Location History

Access the location history of your devices for up to a year. Plaspy stores and organizes all tracking data, allowing for easy and quick queries at any time.

This long-term storage capability is crucial for detailed analysis and audits, ensuring you never lose valuable information.

Offline Position Storage

Plaspy stores the positions of your devices even when there is no network signal, ensuring that no critical data is lost. Data automatically syncs once the connection is restored.

This feature guarantees tracking continuity, providing a complete and accurate history of your devices' movements.

Position via Cell Towers

When GPS signal is unavailable, Plaspy uses cell towers to determine the position of your devices. This ensures you always have an approximate location, improving tracking reliability.

This alternative is essential for areas with limited GPS coverage, ensuring continuous and efficient monitoring.

Customizable Tracking Interval

Adjust the tracking interval of your devices according to your operational needs. Plaspy allows you to customize the update frequency to optimize the balance between data accuracy and resource consumption.

This flexibility allows you to adapt tracking to different scenarios, from intensive monitoring to long-term tracking.

Automatic Start

Configure your devices to automatically start tracking when powered on. Plaspy ensures that no data is lost from the moment the device is activated.

This feature is crucial for critical applications where every second counts, ensuring uninterrupted monitoring.

Auto Tracker Protocol Detection

Plaspy automatically identifies the communication protocol of your trackers, facilitating configuration and optimizing compatibility with a wide range of devices.

This feature simplifies the integration process, ensuring a quick and efficient connection with your trackers.

Compatibility with over 500 Trackers

Plaspy is compatible with over 500 tracker models, providing flexibility and options to suit your specific tracking needs.

This wide compatibility ensures you will always find a suitable device for your operational requirements.

Sensor Monitoring

Monitor the status of your devices' sensors, including SOS, engine diagnostics, fuel, temperature, and RPM. Plaspy provides complete visibility of your assets' operational conditions.

This detailed information is crucial for preventive maintenance and performance optimization of your devices.

Rapid Update

Configure your devices to update information every 20 seconds. Plaspy ensures you always have the most recent data, allowing precise and detailed real-time tracking.

This high update frequency is ideal for applications where accuracy and immediacy are critical.

Email Notifications

Receive alerts and notifications directly to your email. Plaspy allows you to set up notifications for a variety of events, ensuring you are always informed about the status of your devices.

This feature provides a convenient way to monitor your assets without needing to constantly be on the platform.

SMS Notifications

Receive important alerts directly on your mobile phone via SMS. Plaspy ensures you are always aware of critical events, even when you do not have Internet access.

This notification capability is essential for maintaining vigilance and quick response in any situation.

WhatsApp and Telegram Notifications

Set up and receive notifications via WhatsApp and Telegram. Plaspy allows you to stay informed using the most popular messaging apps, facilitating communication and monitoring.

This integration improves accessibility and quick response to any event or alert generated by your devices.

Composite Alerts

Set up composite alerts that trigger when multiple conditions are met. Plaspy provides an advanced notification system that allows you to define specific criteria to improve monitoring and security.

This feature offers greater control over your devices, ensuring an appropriate response to complex situations.

AI Report Generator

Use artificial intelligence to generate detailed and accurate reports. Plaspy analyzes your data and creates reports that highlight the most relevant and useful aspects for your operation.

This advanced capability allows you to gain deep insights and make informed decisions based on concrete data.

AI Statistics Analyzer

Plaspy offers an AI-powered statistics analyzer that examines your data and provides detailed analyses of your devices' performance and trends.

With this tool, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your operations effectively.

Customizable Reports

Customize your reports according to your specific needs. Plaspy allows you to define the parameters and formats of the reports so that you always get the most relevant and useful information.

This flexibility in report generation ensures you can tailor analyses to different audiences and purposes.

Activity Summary by Email

Receive a summary of your devices' activities directly in your inbox. Plaspy sends periodic reports that keep you informed about the performance and status of your assets.

This feature allows you to stay updated without constantly accessing the platform, saving time and effort.

Online Documentation

Access a comprehensive knowledge base and online documentation to resolve your doubts and learn how to use all of Plaspy's features. Our documentation is available 24/7.

This tool is ideal for new and existing users, providing detailed resources to maximize the use of the platform.

Email Support

Plaspy offers email technical support to help you resolve any issues or inquiries. Our support team is available to assist you at any time, ensuring a quick and effective response.

This support option is ideal for non-urgent matters, allowing you to get detailed and precise help.

Chat Support

Get instant assistance through our chat support. Plaspy provides a quick and efficient way to resolve doubts and issues directly from the platform.

Chat support is perfect for urgent queries and users who prefer real-time communication.

Phone Support

Plaspy offers phone technical support to resolve complex issues and provide personalized assistance. Our team of experts is available to help you maximize the use of our platform.

Phone support is ideal for matters that require a detailed explanation or immediate solution.

Specialized Teleconference Support

Receive specialized technical support through teleconferences with our team of experts. Plaspy provides personalized and detailed assistance to resolve any issue or doubt.

This service is perfect for training, advanced configurations, and companies requiring dedicated attention.

Main Image Customization

Set up the main image of your platform to reflect your brand's visual identity. Plaspy allows you to customize this element to enhance your users' experience and strengthen your corporate identity.

This customization option ensures your platform has a professional appearance consistent with your brand image.

Custom URL

Set up a custom URL for your tracking platform. Plaspy allows you to use your domain, providing a more professional and brand-aligned user experience.

This feature improves the accessibility and recognition of your platform, making it easier for your users to access.

Secure HTTPS Connection

Ensure the security of your platform with a secure HTTPS connection. Plaspy protects your data and communications with advanced encryption, ensuring all transmitted information is secure.

This security measure is essential to protect the privacy and integrity of your users' data.

Custom CSS Styles

Customize your platform's design using CSS styles. Plaspy allows you to adjust colors, fonts, sizes, and shapes to create a unique user experience consistent with your brand.

This customization capability ensures your platform not only functions well but also looks professional and attractive.

Chat Management

Manage and customize chat functions on your platform. Plaspy allows you to set up live chat options to improve communication with your users and provide quick and efficient support.

This feature is crucial for maintaining good customer relations and resolving any issues immediately.

HTML Email Notification Templates

Customize email notifications using HTML templates. Plaspy allows you to design and adapt messages to align with your brand identity, improving communication with your users.

This feature ensures all communications are professional and consistent, reinforcing your company's image.

Create and Customize your Telegram Bot

Set up and customize a Telegram bot to interact with your users. Plaspy allows you to design a bot that responds to queries and sends notifications, improving interaction and operational efficiency.

This advanced tool provides a modern and effective way to communicate with your customers and teams.

WhatsApp Notification Setup

Customize and set up WhatsApp notifications to keep your users informed. Plaspy allows you to send alerts and updates directly through this popular messaging platform.

This feature ensures quick and efficient communication, improving user satisfaction and response.


Integrate Plaspy with your systems using our JSON-based REST API. This API provides access to all tracking and management functionalities, facilitating automation and customization of your operations.

With Plaspy's REST API, you can develop personalized solutions that perfectly fit your specific needs.

Real-time Location Embedded on your Website

Embed Plaspy's real-time location functionality directly on your website. This provides your users with an easy and accessible way to monitor their devices without leaving your platform.

This integration improves the user experience and ensures that all relevant information is available in one place.

Advanced Protection

Ensure the security of your network with our advanced protection solutions against attacks. Our infrastructure is designed to prevent intrusions and keep your data safe.

SSL/TLS Encryption

All communications are protected with SSL/TLS encryption, ensuring that transmitted data is always secure. Our platform complies with the highest security standards.

Access Control

Manage and control access to your platform with detailed permissions and two-factor authentication. Maintain a secure environment and restrict unauthorized access.

Continuous Monitoring

Our continuous monitoring system detects and responds to threats in real-time. Rely on our technology to protect your infrastructure 24/7.

Security Audits

We conduct regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Keep your platform up-to-date and protected against new threats.

High Availability

Our global network ensures high availability with 99.95% uptime. We guarantee that your service is always available when you need it.

Global Network

With points of presence around the world, we offer fast and reliable connectivity. Our infrastructure is designed to handle large volumes of traffic with low latency.

Automatic Scalability

Our platform automatically adjusts resources to handle traffic spikes and ensure optimal performance. Enjoy a service that grows with your business.

Content Optimization

Optimize content delivery to ensure fast and efficient load times. Our technology provides a seamless experience for users worldwide.


We implement redundant systems to ensure your service is not disrupted by technical failures. Our infrastructure is prepared for any eventuality.

Low Latency

Enjoy fast, lag-free connections thanks to our low-latency infrastructure. Our network is optimized to deliver the best possible performance anywhere in the world.

Resource Optimization

Our platform efficiently manages and distributes resources to maximize performance. Maintain optimal operation even during traffic peaks.

Automatic Updates

Keep your system up-to-date with the latest enhancements and security patches. Our automatic updates ensure you are always using the best version of our software.

Real-Time Monitoring

Monitor your network's performance in real-time with our advanced tools. Identify and resolve issues before they impact your users.

Artificial Intelligence

Leverage our artificial intelligence capabilities for deep insights and advanced analytics. Improve decision-making with accurate, real-time data.

Easy Configuration

Set up your devices in minutes with our intuitive guide and automated assistance.

Advanced Security

Protect your data with two-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption.

Real-Time Alerts

Receive instant notifications for important events directly on your mobile device.

Real-Time Monitoring

Monitor your assets in real-time with instant and accurate updates.

Customizable Geofences

Set up geofences and receive alerts when your assets enter or leave specific areas.

Detailed History

Access the travel history of your devices for analysis and optimization.

User Management

Control access and permissions for your team easily and securely.

Customizable Reports

Generate detailed and personalized reports for better decision-making.

Mobile App

Access all Plaspy features from anywhere with our mobile app.

24/7 Support

Get help and technical support anytime, any day of the week.

Automatic Updates

Enjoy the latest improvements and new features without interruptions.

Advanced Statistics

Analyze the performance and usage of your assets with detailed statistics and graphs.

Predictive Maintenance

Receive automatic reminders for the maintenance of your vehicles and equipment.

Email Notifications

Set up and receive important alerts directly in your inbox.

Global Coverage

Track your assets anywhere in the world with our global coverage.

API Integration

Easily integrate Plaspy with your existing systems using our robust API.

Location Accuracy

Rely on superior location accuracy for precise tracking of your assets.

Cloud Storage

Access your tracking data anytime with secure cloud storage.

Automated AI Reports

Generate detailed reports automatically using artificial intelligence. Analyze complex data and obtain accurate, personalized reports in minutes.

AI Data Queries

Ask questions directly to your data using our artificial intelligence interface. Get instant and accurate answers without the need for advanced technical knowledge.

Advanced AI Analysis

Unlock deep insights with advanced AI-driven analysis. Identify hidden patterns and optimization opportunities in your operations.

Dynamic Reports

Generate dynamic reports that automatically update in real-time as data changes, ensuring you always have the most recent and relevant information.

AI-Personalized Reports

Artificial intelligence creates personalized reports based on your specific needs, adapting to changes and providing the most relevant information.