The FOX3-2G Series by Falcom is a compact and versatile vehicle telematics and gateway device that combines 2G data connection with the latest GNSS technology. This all-in-one device is designed to meet the diverse needs of customers and offers a wide range of inputs and outputs to cater to even the most demanding requirements. With the option to use a box (IOBOX-MINI or IOBOX-CAN), the functionality of the FOX3-2G Series can be extended, providing users with unparalleled flexibility and expansion options.
One of the standout features of the FOX3-2G Series is its ability to operate with both internal and external antennas. When external antennas are in use, the built-in internal antennas are automatically turned off. This not only simplifies the logistics and installation process but also ensures optimal signal reception. Additionally, the FOX3-2G Series is equipped with FALCOM's innovative "Premium-Features" that pave the way for the future of mobile data logging, storing, processing, and sending.
With its advanced and fully customizable design, the FOX3-2G Series offers a range of new features including data encryption, multiple history modes, eco-drive/behavior monitoring, and GSM/GPS jamming detection. These features, combined with standard functionalities such as status reports, alert messaging, audio calls, spy calls, and geofencing, make the FOX3-2G Series an ideal choice for vehicle tracking and telematics applications.
Key Features:
- Compact all-in-one vehicle telematics and gateway device
- Combines 2G data connection with the latest GNSS technology
- Highly customizable with a variety of inputs and outputs
- Option to extend functionality with IOBOX-MINI or IOBOX-CAN
- Operates with internal or external antennas
- FALCOM "Premium-Features" for advanced data logging and processing
- Data encryption for enhanced security
- Multiple history modes for comprehensive tracking
- Eco-drive/behavior monitoring for efficient driving
- GSM/GPS jamming detection for added security
- Standard features include status reports, alert messaging, audio calls, spy calls, and geofencing
Set Up FOX3-2G
Use with a tracker
Set the Operator APN
- Check your tracker clock setup is set UTC-0 or GMT. (The most trackers come from the factory on UTC.)
- For most devices you should use IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number as unique identifier. However, some devices have vendor specific unique identifier, for example TK-103 devices use 11-digit identifier.
Set Up the IP and port on your tracker: (automatic detect tracker's protocol.)
Server d.plaspy.com IP Port 8888 - Add on your Account on devices with the IMEI or unique ID.