This information only is for informational purposes only, Plaspy does not have relationship with the device's manufacturer, for more information check the manufacturer's website or user manual.
The G717 Cigar Lighter Tracker is a revolutionary, world's FIRST Plug & Play tracking device by Gosafe. G717 can be used in any vehicle that have a cigar lighter charger . Its Quad band GMS modem technology enables it to be used any where in the world. Moreover, with a 3-Axis accelerometer G-Force Sensor, critical data can be obtained from any vehicle at a very lowest cost.
Set Up G717
Use with a tracker
Set the Operator APN
- Check your tracker clock setup is set UTC-0 or GMT. (The most trackers come from the factory on UTC.)
- For most devices you should use IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number as unique identifier. However, some devices have vendor specific unique identifier, for example TK-103 devices use 11-digit identifier.
Set Up the IP and port on your tracker: (automatic detect tracker's protocol.)
Server d.plaspy.com IP Port 8888 - Add on your Account on devices with the IMEI or unique ID.