
Change Log - 2023-03-13

We added a custom mobile application generator that allows you to generate the source code of applications for Android and iOS, this code is ready to be compiled and used in the app stores, to do this you need to have knowledge of mobile application development.

There are 4 types of mobile applications:

  • Basic, by means of the mobile application you can view devices on your account.

  • Phone Tracking, Through the mobile application, you can view devices on your account and track your current phone, as well as send offline commands.

  • Google Maps, all the above features plus support for native Google Maps within the application.

  • Push Notifications, all the above features, and additionally, the application receives notifications to the phone via Firebase.
    The generated code is ready to use and has basic customization using the URL, icons, and logos configured in your account, through Android Studio for Android and XCode for iOS, the generated code is in Java and Kotlin in Android for iOS is in objective-c and Swift.
    This source code is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The user is solely responsible for any risk associated with using the generated code. It is recommended that users have technical knowledge of mobile application development before using these tools.
